Monday, April 11, 2011

A Shameless Promotion

Beauchene (or "exploded") skulls, made by Ryan Matthew.
(From left to right) The first two are human, the third is a baboon, and the fourth is a cat.
  Recently, Ryan Matthew, of Science Channel's (and, formerly, Discovery Channel's) Oddities, lauched his own website, Ryan Matthew Oddities. It's definitely worth a look. He's posted pictures of his collection - including his "exploded" skulls, which are like anatomical works of art.

He'll soon have a shop set up on the website, in which you can buy osteological specimens, jewelry, and whatever else he decides to put up for sale. Ryan is very passionate about what he does, and quite professional. So, basically, were you interested in buying a skull or another sort of osteological specimen, I would (strongly) suggest buying it from him.

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