I tried making "first post" sound clever. I'm not sure if I succeeded, but it doesn't really matter. I got my (rather obvious) message across. This is the first post of this blog.
You might be asking yourself (or you may want to ask me), "Why is this blog called 'Vivisection?'" This blog is basically the dissection of my mind. My thoughts, like innards, are splayed out for you to study and possibly enjoy. That being said, I don't want to hear any complaints or rants about animal dissection. You can do that on your own blog.
The URL of this blog contains "victorianvivisection," though. Why? Because I'm into Victoriana, and plain "vivisection" was taken. I almost called it "mentalvivisection," but I like alliteration. I'll undoubtably find a nice picture of a Victorian dissection to put up on this page, though, and then it will be relevant.
Lovely! I've just found one. Now the URL is relevant.
I'll talk about a little more than somewhat morbid and antiquated content, though. I'm a writer, so there's a large chance I'll post my work here - poems, stories, and the like. I might also rant or vent a bit, if I have a mind to.
Enjoy the mental innards!
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