Apparently, I'm "extremely weird," but "hot." Or "hot," but "extremely weird." One of those two.
[sarcasm] I wasn't aware that I'm eccentric. It's quite the shocker. [/sarcasm]
These comments came from a student at my college. I've barely spoken to him. I think we've talked five times, maximum, and only briefly. He doesn't know me, really, but seems quite fixated on me. After all, if you didn't give someone much thought, you couldn't come to a verdict about that person, could you? It's slightly creepy, to think that someone can draw such conclusions about a girl who is, virtually, a stranger.
He told this to my friend, by the way, and she (predictably) told me. Smart move, eh?
Now, I don't mind what people say. I'm very used to people saying Not Very Nice Things to me, because I'm That Weird Girl. But there are several things that annoy me about this.
1. The fact that he thought about me enough to draw conclusions, in spite of the fact that he doesn't know me.
2. He told this to my friend. I marvel at the stupidity.
3. He isn't precisely a Perfect Example of How a Normal Person Ought to Be, assuming that even exists. I don't think it does. Normal is an entirely subjective ideal, and, given that, no one is "normal." But that's another rant for another day.
4. He said "weird" like it's a bad thing.
5. A new one, as of this moment. He just approached and said, "It'd be nice to actually get to know you next semester." I smiled, politely, and tried not to burst out laughing from the irony. So, I said, "Likewise," barely resisting the temptation to make a comment like, "Lovely! I hope you can take the weirdness."
Also, I know I haven't updated in a while. I promise that I'll try updating more often.